January 2009
22 January 2009 – Island/Frankfurt. Today. (11 pictures)
After several months in Iceland I had to go back to Germany - to Hanau. Because end of January I moved out of my apartment in Hanau... This is two weeks no Iceland. But only till th 8th of February...
/ added 14 March 2009 -
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17 January 2009 – Reykjavík. Two exhibitions. (9 pictures)
17 January 2009 – Reykjavík. Demonstration/Mótmæla IV. (2 pictures)
We hab a several demonstraions - in particular on saturday and monday. Today I went to a demonstration again...
/ added 14 March 2009 -
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15 January 2009 – Reykjavík. Sex and money: A Global Search for Human Worth. (3 pictures)
Informations and exhibtion at Café Rót:
Sex & Money - A Global Search for Human Worth shares the personal encounters of these students with the harsh realities of injustice in our world: orphans, sex slaves, extreme poverty, and various forms of abuse and hurt. These individual needs also contribute to a more encompassing type of injustice: human trafficking. A very important project, but im my opinion (much) too much of God. / added 14 March 2009 -
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6 January 2009 – Reykjavík. The last christmas day. (7 pictures)
The last christmas day, its the 6. of january, is a special day in Iceland. This day is celebrated with big bonfies and fireworks. The last greeting - og sjáumst í desember 2009...
/ added 14 March 2009 -
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3 January 2009 – Djúpavík. In motion. (5 pictures)
3 January 2009 – Djúpavík. Bless bless. (6 pictures)
We left Djúpavík to Reykjavík on the third day in 2009 - but it took a little bit longer than we had expected... But, it was very nice in Djúpavík! Takk fyrir!
/ added 05 March 2009 -
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2 January 2009 – Djúpavík. New Years meeting in Djúpavík. (10 pictures)
For this New Years meeting almost every resident from Árneshreppurs came - a nice event with music (who else than Svavar played), coffee, tales and stories and the "Gleðileg ný ár".
/ added 05 March 2009 -
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1 and 2 January 2009 – Djúpavík. Day 1 and day 2 in 2009. (8 pictures)
Without stress we spend the first two days in 2009 - in cosy get-together, palying board games and walking...
/ added 05 March 2009 -
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1 January 2009 – Djúpavík. Hour 1 and hour 2 in 2009. (11 pictures)
At some degrees below zero and calm into the new year 2009 - in Djúpavík, together with nice persons. I don't need more... Thanks to all!
/ added 05 March 2009 -
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© Claus Sterneck (Claus in Island / Claus in Iceland), 2009. Contact: