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Island: Zuhause am Polarkreis (Pascal Frai)
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20 May 2012 - Reykjavík
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Pictures 2009:    January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December
January 2009
22 January 2009 – Island/Frankfurt. Today.
22 January 2009 – Island/Frankfurt. Today. (11 pictures)
After several months in Iceland I had to go back to Germany - to Hanau. Because end of January I moved out of my apartment in Hanau... This is two weeks no Iceland. But only till th 8th of February...
/ added 14 March 2009 - view the pictures
17 January 2009 – Reykjavík. Two exhibitions.
17 January 2009 – Reykjavík. Two exhibitions. (9 pictures)
People are not demonstration only, they are opening exhibitions today, too. In the Reykjavík Museum of Photography an exhibition with pictures by the icelandic photographer Bjargey Ólafsdóttir and another one in the galery 101projects with paintings by Davið Örn Halldórsson. I went with Kaja to see the artwork...
/ added 14 March 2009 - view the pictures
17 January 2009 – Reykjavík. Demonstration/Mótmæla IV.
17 January 2009 – Reykjavík. Demonstration/Mótmæla IV. (2 pictures)
We hab a several demonstraions - in particular on saturday and monday. Today I went to a demonstration again...
/ added 14 March 2009 - view the pictures
15 January 2009 – Reykjavík. Sex and money: A Global Search for Human Worth.
15 January 2009 – Reykjavík. Sex and money: A Global Search for Human Worth. (3 pictures)
Informations and exhibtion at Café Rót: Sex & Money - A Global Search for Human Worth shares the personal encounters of these students with the harsh realities of injustice in our world: orphans, sex slaves, extreme poverty, and various forms of abuse and hurt. These individual needs also contribute to a more encompassing type of injustice: human trafficking. A very important project, but im my opinion (much) too much of God.   / added 14 March 2009 - view the pictures
6 January 2009 – Reykjavík. The last christmas day.
6 January 2009 – Reykjavík. The last christmas day. (7 pictures)
The last christmas day, its the 6. of january, is a special day in Iceland. This day is celebrated with big bonfies and fireworks. The last greeting - og sjáumst í desember 2009...
/ added 14 March 2009 - view the pictures
3 January 2009 – Djúpavík. In motion.
3 January 2009 – Djúpavík. In motion. (5 pictures)
Water in motion.
/ added 05 March 2009 - view the pictures
3 January 2009 – Djúpavík. Bless bless.
3 January 2009 – Djúpavík. Bless bless. (6 pictures)
We left Djúpavík to Reykjavík on the third day in 2009 - but it took a little bit longer than we had expected... But, it was very nice in Djúpavík! Takk fyrir!
/ added 05 March 2009 - view the pictures
2 January 2009 – Djúpavík. New Years meeting in Djúpavík.
2 January 2009 – Djúpavík. New Years meeting in Djúpavík. (10 pictures)
For this New Years meeting almost every resident from Árneshreppurs came - a nice event with music (who else than Svavar played), coffee, tales and stories and the "Gleðileg ný ár".
/ added 05 March 2009 - view the pictures
1 and 2 January 2009 – Djúpavík. Day 1 and day 2 in 2009.
1 and 2 January 2009 – Djúpavík. Day 1 and day 2 in 2009. (8 pictures)
Without stress we spend the first two days in 2009 - in cosy get-together, palying board games and walking...
/ added 05 March 2009 - view the pictures
1 January 2009 – Djúpavík. Hour 1 and hour 2 in 2009.
1 January 2009 – Djúpavík. Hour 1 and hour 2 in 2009. (11 pictures)
At some degrees below zero and calm into the new year 2009 - in Djúpavík, together with nice persons. I don't need more... Thanks to all!
/ added 05 March 2009 - view the pictures
© Claus Sterneck (Claus in Island / Claus in Iceland), 2009. Contact:
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