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Pictures 2011:    January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December
October 2011
Book (incl. CD) with 38 "Pictures - and their sounds" available!
Book (incl. CD) with 38 "Pictures - and their sounds" available!
The book (incl. CD) with 38 "Pictures - and their sounds" is available direct from me by E-Mail (4.500 kr, € 30,00 plus P/P) and in both 12 Tónar stores (Skólavoršustígur and in the concerthall HARPA)! You can order the book via Paypal here, too.
/ added 12 November 2011 - More details about the book here
25 October 2011 – Reykjavík. The new book by Vigdís Grímsdóttir. And cats. (8 pictures)
25 October 2011 – Reykjavík. The new book by Vigdís Grímsdóttir. And cats. (8 pictures)
Vigdís Grímsdóttir was presenting her new book 'Trúir þú į töfra?' in the library. Also shown were cats - painted cats. Pictures which play an important part in her book ...
/ added 25 November 2011 - view the pictures
19 October 2011 – Reykjavík. "Meine Banken" 19 October 2011. (1 picture)
19 October 2011 – Reykjavík. "Meine Banken" 19 October 2011. (1 picture)
"Meine Banken". It looked like this today!
/ added 22 November 2011 - view the picture
17 October 2011 – Iceland. Flight back to Iceland. (4 pictures)
17 October 2011 – Iceland. Flight back to Iceland. (4 pictures)
Flight back to Iceland :-).
/ added 22 November 2011 - view these pictures
12 October 2011 – Frankfurt. Fabulous Iceland - the Book Fair in Frankfurt. (12 pictures)
12 October 2011 – Frankfurt. Fabulous Iceland - the Book Fair in Frankfurt. (12 pictures)
Those who like (icelandic) literature, know about the Book Fair in Frankfurt (Germany). This year Iceland was the Guest of Honour of the Book Fair - presented by an impressive presentation hall! A huge compliment goes to the organisation team of 'Fabulous Iceland'! Here some impressions ...
/ added 21 November 2011 - view these pictures
7 October 2011 – Frankfurt. TAKK FYRIR - THANK YOU !!! (1 picture)
7 October 2011 – Frankfurt. TAKK FYRIR - THANK YOU !!! (1 picture)
That was sheer madness!! A huge TAKK for your coming to the opening event of my exhibition. Sadly I could not talk to everyone, but I was so happy to meet you all (and - of course - all guest who are not on pictures) ... :-).
/ added 16 November 2011 - view this picture
7 October 2011 – Frankfurt. Claus at EULENGASSE. (14 pictures)
7 October 2011 – Frankfurt. Claus at EULENGASSE. (14 pictures)
Opening of an exhibition in Frankfurt - at ausstellungsraum EULENGASSE. A joint exhibition (more details here), and I was showing 'Pictures – and their sounds' and a few photographs. And soo many nice guests come to this event! :-).
/ added 16 November 2011 - view the pictures
6 October 2011 – Iceland. Flight to Germany. (4 pictures)
6 October 2011 – Iceland. Flight to Germany. (4 pictures)
On the way to Germany.
/ added 16 November 2011 - view the pictures
© Claus Sterneck (Claus in Island / Claus in Iceland), 2011. Contact:

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