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Island: Zuhause am Polarkreis (Pascal Frai)
Mit einem Kapitel über Claus Sterneck in Island :-)
Upd.: 14 Jan '17   |   Claus   Djúpavík   Links   |    Imprint   |   Follow Claus in Iceland on Facebook  Follow Claus in Iceland on twitter   |    > GER
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14 till 18 April 2011 – Djúpavík. One day longer in Djúpavík.     (Picture 11 of 12 pictures)
Eva and Ásbjörn joined us with their car some kilometers to the top of the mountain pass - to help us in case our car would stuck in some snow... Thanks to Eva and Ási for their help and these nice days in Djúpavík!
Djúpavík. One day longer in Djúpavík. - Eva and Ásbjörn joined us with their car some kilometers to the top of the mountain pass - to help us in case our car would stuck in some snow... Thanks to Eva and Ási for their help and these nice days in Djúpavík! (14 till 18 April 2011)
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