April 2012
Exhibition "Different III" in Djúpavík - 1 June till 22 September 2012
Every day a new and fresh photograph - taken in Iceland, published on my Facebook page!
Since beginn of 2012 every day I publish one photography on my
Facebook page. These pictures were taken in Iceland of course - and they are very different. BTW: The page is visible for all (and not only for Facebook members)!
Here you get an overview of all pictures of "One picture per day".
/ updated 14 October 2012 - Open the
Facebook page right now or have a look on
all previous published pictures.
22 April 2012 – Reykjavík. Iceland Academy of the Arts – Graduation Exhibition 2012. (16 pictures)
In Hafnarhús were shown the final projects by students of the Iceland Academy of the Arts (Fine Arts, Design and Architecture Departments). Here some pictures of the art works. The answer for the question "What is art? What is not art?" is ununaswered still. But the project by
Sigga Rún was my big favorite!
/ added 14 May 2012 -
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20 April 2012 – Reykjavík. A visitor and a demonstration. (7 pictures)
17 April 2012 – Reykjavík. 'This will destroy you' at HARPA! (11 pictures)
15 April 2012 – Selfoss. DIE TOTEN HOSEN live (!) in Iceland?! Punkrock in Selfoss! (17 pictures)
I can't believe it: The legendary german punkrock band
DIE TOTEN HOSEN played in Selfoss, Iceland, in a living room to celebrate their 30 years anniversary of being on stage (?). About 70 guests joined this great gig. Uff!!!
/ added 16 April 2012 -
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7 April 2012 – Djúpavík. BINGO in Árneshreppur. (9 pictures)
Like every easter BINGO is played here, too. This time with more than 80 participants ...
/ added 15 April 2012 -
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6 til 8 April 2012 – Djúpavík. Ostern in Djúpavík. (11 pictures)
Finally back in Djúpavík, for only two nights/days but much much better than not to be in Djúpavík. With a lot of easter eggs! :-), happy Claus!
/ added 15 April 2012 -
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Easter 2012 – The big easter (chocolate) egg contest. (20 pictures)
Because of the event 'Easter 2012' I was testing three chocolate easter eggs: two eggs made by icelandic companies, and one egg called 'Überraschungsei'. 20 pictures show the eggs, the package, chocolate and the content of all eggs. Have fun!
/ added 15 April 2012 -
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1 April 2012 – Reykjavík. One day in the museum - together with Antoni Tàpies. (4 pictures)
© Claus Sterneck (Claus in Island / Claus in Iceland), 2012. Contact: