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One picture per day
Every day one picture - taken in Iceland and published on my facebook page.

Island: Zuhause am Polarkreis (Pascal Frai)
Mit einem Kapitel über Claus Sterneck in Island :-)
Upd.: 14 Jan '17   |   Claus   Djúpavík   Links   |    Imprint   |   Follow Claus in Iceland on Facebook  Follow Claus in Iceland on twitter   |    ENG only!
Pictures:  2016    2015    2014    2013    2012    2011    2010    2009    2008    2007    2006    |    Random
Projects:  Pictures - and their sounds   Books   Post- and Soundcards   200+ pictures   One Picture Per Day   |   Press   Exhibitions
Pictures 2014:    January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December
February 2014
Every day a new and fresh photograph - taken in Iceland, published on my Facebook page!
Every day a new and fresh photograph - taken in Iceland, published on my Facebook page!
Since beginn of 2012 every day I publish one photography on my Facebook page. These pictures were taken in Iceland of course - and they are very different. BTW: The page is visible for all (and not only for Facebook members)! Here you get an overview of all pictures of "One picture per day".
/ updated 14 October 2012 - Open the Facebook page right now or have a look on all previous published pictures.
2 till 21 February 2014 – Reykjavík. Miscellaneous LXXIV. (13 pictures)
2 till 21 February 2014 – Reykjavík. Miscellaneous LXXIV. (13 pictures)
19 days - 13 pictures of different things like weather, ice, things in the air, HARPA and some more.
/ added 22 February 2014 - view the pictures
1 February 2014 – Reykjavík. Hafnarhús - Wine glasses during a vernissage! (6 pictures)
1 February 2014 – Reykjavík. Hafnarhús - Wine glasses during a vernissage! (6 pictures)
Another opening event I visited - this time at Hafnarhús. And another time I took detailed pictures of wine glasses ...
/ added 22 February 2014 - view the pictures

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