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Island: Zuhause am Polarkreis (Pascal Frai)
Mit einem Kapitel über Claus Sterneck in Island :-)
One picture per day

14 June 2012 - Djúpavík
Upd.: 14 Jan '17   |   Claus   Djúpavík   Links   |    Imprint   |   Follow Claus in Iceland on Facebook  Follow Claus in Iceland on twitter   |    ENG only!
Pictures:  2016    2015    2014    2013    2012    2011    2010    2009    2008    2007    2006    |    Random
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Pictures 2014:    January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December
October 2014
Claus in Iceland - "Kría - Arctic terns in Djúpavík" (26 October until 31 December 2014)
Exhibition - Reykjavík, Iceland. "Kría - Arctic terns in Djúpavík" - 26 Oct. until 31 Dec. 2014
The bird Kr&ia (Arctic Tern) is my favorite bird. It visits Iceland (and Djúpavík) to breet in summer. In August it flies back the the Antarctic area and the following year back to the northern part again (10.000's of kilometers every year). What an amazing bird, almost no sleep, almost every daylight, no darkness. Thats why I dedicated this exhibition to this the Krías.
/ added 16 November 2014 - More about the exhibition on my page and on Facebook.
My new photo book - Subject 5 - Arctic Tern (Kría) available now!
My new photo book 'Subject 5 - Arctic Terns (Kría)' available now!
My fifth photo book is published - with 22 pictures of the bird Arctic Terns (Kría), most of the pictures were taken in Djúpavík, others in the Árneshreppur region.
/ added 25.05.2014 - All available books here.
Every day a new and fresh photograph - taken in Iceland, published on my Facebook page!
Every day a new and fresh photograph - taken in Iceland, published on my Facebook page!
Since beginn of 2012 every day I publish one photography on my Facebook page. These pictures were taken in Iceland of course - and they are very different. BTW: The page is visible for all (and not only for Facebook members)! Here you get an overview of all pictures of "One picture per day".
/ updated 14 October 2012 - Open the Facebook page right now or have a look on all previous published pictures.
5 till 31 October 2014 – Reykjavík. Miscellaneous LXXX. (17 pictures)
5 till 31 October 2014 – Reykjavík. Miscellaneous LXXX. (17 pictures)
One month in 17 pictures.
/ added 2 January 2015 - view the picture
21 October 2014 – Reykjavík. Snow, a lot of snow. (8 pictures)
21 October 2014 – Reykjavík. Snow, a lot of snow. (8 pictures)
Finally snow in Reykjavík! And not only a few snowflakes ...
/ added 2 January 2015 - view the picture
9 October 2014 – Reykjavík/Viðey. Imagine Peace Tower (Yoko Ono). (9 pictures)
9 October 2014 – Reykjavík/Viðey. Imagine Peace Tower (Yoko Ono). (9 pictures)
The yearly lightning of the Imagine Peace Tower (here and here) on Viðey island by Yoko Ono. Nice event, more and more guests come to join this nice event.
/ added 25 December 2014 - view the picture

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