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Island: Zuhause am Polarkreis (Pascal Frai)
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One picture per day

31 Aug. 2012 - Reykjavík
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Pictures 2013:    January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December
October 2013
Every day a new and fresh photograph - taken in Iceland, published on my Facebook page!
Every day a new and fresh photograph - taken in Iceland, published on my Facebook page!
Since beginn of 2012 every day I publish one photography on my Facebook page. These pictures were taken in Iceland of course - and they are very different. BTW: The page is visible for all (and not only for Facebook members)! Here you get an overview of all pictures of "One picture per day".
/ updated 14 October 2012 - Open the Facebook page right now or have a look on all previous published pictures.
31 October 2013 – Reykjavík. Iceland Airwaves 2013. Day 2. (5 pictures)
31 October 2013 – Reykjavík. Iceland Airwaves 2013. Day 2. (5 pictures)
The second night at Hafnarhús. On stage: Sometime (IS), Caveman (US), Ojba Rasta (IS) and Jagwar Ma (IS).
/ added 10 December 2013 - view the pictures
30 October 2013 – Reykjavík. Iceland Airwaves 2013. Day 1. (5 pictures)
30 October 2013 – Reykjavík. Iceland Airwaves 2013. Day 1. (5 pictures)
The first night at Hafnarhús for the music festival 'Iceland Airwaves 2013', tonight with the bands Grísalappalísa (IS), Agent Fresco (IS), Valdimar (IS) and Hjaltalín (IS).
/ added 10 December 2013 - view the pictures
12 October 2013 – Djúpavík. And Trékyllisvík. II. (16 pictures)
12 October 2013 – Djúpavík. And Trékyllisvík. II. (16 pictures)
Once more nice clouds, and a great sunrise (near Gjögur). And a goose, resident here in Trékyllisvík.
/ added 8 December 2013 - view the pictures
11 October 2013 – Djúpavík. And Trékyllisvík. I. (11 pictures)
11 October 2013 – Djúpavík. And Trékyllisvík. I. (11 pictures)
Time to look and walk a little bit around in Trékyllisvík (located between Gjögur and Norðurfjörður) - and to take pictures.
/ added 8 December 2013 - view the pictures
10 October 2013 – Reykjavík - Djúpavík. Clouds. (8 pictures)
10 October 2013 – Reykjavík - Djúpavík. Clouds. (8 pictures)
On the way to Djúpavík - impressive clouds. Well, near Reykjavík cloudy and rainy but forther north (close to Hólmaví) impressive - and rich in variation - clouds.
/ added 8 December 2013 - view the pictures
8 October 2013 – Reykjavík. First snow in Reykjavík. (5 pictures)
8 October 2013 – Reykjavík. First snow in Reykjavík. (5 pictures)
Snow. Finally snow.
/ added 8 December 2013 - view the pictures
7 October 2013 – Reykjavík. Clouds. (7 pictures)
7 October 2013 – Reykjavík. Clouds. (7 pictures)
Clouds. Very nice clouds.
/ added 27 October 2013 - view the pictures
5 October 2013 – Djúpavík. A whole day in the north. (22 pictures)
5 October 2013 – Djúpavík. A whole day in the north. (22 pictures)
Together with Emilie, John and Melina to Djúpavík, Gjögur, Krossnes ...! A few days later a nice article about this trip was paublihed in Reykjavík Grapevine (read here!) - takk fyrir, John!
/ added 25 October 2013 - view the pictures
2 October 2013 – Reykjavík. Hallgrímskirkja and fog. (9 pictures)
2 October 2013 – Reykjavík. Hallgrímskirkja and fog. (9 pictures)
Hallgrímskirkja and fog. Well, the trappings (?) in fog.
/ added 23 October 2013 - view the pictures

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