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Pictures 2013:    January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December
April 2013
Every day a new and fresh photograph - taken in Iceland, published on my Facebook page!
Every day a new and fresh photograph - taken in Iceland, published on my Facebook page!
Since beginn of 2012 every day I publish one photography on my Facebook page. These pictures were taken in Iceland of course - and they are very different. BTW: The page is visible for all (and not only for Facebook members)! Here you get an overview of all pictures of "One picture per day".
/ updated 14 October 2012 - Open the Facebook page right now or have a look on all previous published pictures.
28 April 2013 – Hanau. Svavar Knutur in Hanau. (14 pictures)
28 April 2013 – Hanau. Svavar Knutur in Hanau. (14 pictures)
A very special concert in Hanau (Germany): Svavar Knutur gave a living room concert in the town here I was lining several years. A wonderful evening - thank you Svavar, Heiko, Vivien, Sandra and Bernd and all guests! I hope you enjoyed the concert ...
/ added 11 May 2013 - view the pictures
27 April 2013 – Reykjavík/Keflavík. On the way ... (8 pictures)
27 April 2013 – Reykjavík/Keflavík. On the way ... (8 pictures)
Here in iceland a trip abroad starts in most of all cases at B.S.I. Like today my trip to Germany ...
/ added 11 May 2013 - view the pictures
26 April 2013 – Reykjavík. Hafnarhús, Final projects. (13 pictures)
26 April 2013 – Reykjavík. Hafnarhús, Final projects. (13 pictures)
The yearly exhibition of the final works by the students of the Iceland Academy of the Arts in Hafnarhús. I had to work in the museum for some hours so I could take a closer look at all works. The last four pictures show my favorite work ...
/ added 11 May 2013 - view the pictures
21 April 2013 – Djúpavík. Three days in Djúpavík. Sunday. (3 pictures)
21 April 2013 – Djúpavík. Three days in Djúpavík. Sunday. (3 pictures)
Driving back to Reykjavík ...
/ added 11 May 2013 - view the pictures
20 April 2013 – Djúpavík. Three days in Djúpavík. Saturday. (10 pictures)
20 April 2013 – Djúpavík. Three days in Djúpavík. Saturday. (10 pictures)
Different pictures of beautiful, normal and nasty (but natural) things in (and near) Djúpavík.
/ added 11 May 2013 - view the pictures
19 April 2013 – Djúpavík. Three days in Djúpavík. Friday. (4 pictures)
19 April 2013 – Djúpavík. Three days in Djúpavík. Friday. (4 pictures)
Only two weeks after my last visit I went to Djúpavík again :-).
/ added 11 May 2013 - view the pictures
18 April 2013 – Reykjavík. 'Dance' (Dansleikur) by Þorbjörg Pálsdóttir. (4 pictures)
18 April 2013 – Reykjavík. 'Dance' (Dansleikur) by Þorbjörg Pálsdóttir. (4 pictures)
Many people have seen (and taken pictures of) this music band but never heard ... right beside Perlan.
/ added 11 May 2013 - view the pictures
3 till 19 April 2013 – Reykjavík. Miscellaneous LIX. (5 pictures)
3 till 19 April 2013 – Reykjavík. Miscellaneous LIX. (5 pictures)
Well, miscellaneous ...
/ added 11 May 2013 - view the pictures
1 April 2013 – Djúpavík. Around Easter in Djúpavík. Monday. (9 pictures)
1 April 2013 – Djúpavík. Around Easter in Djúpavík. Monday. (9 pictures)
Leaving Djúpavík again ... sadly. But before we left I was hinking a little - up to the waterfall to see it (or the ice covering the water) very close. Nice pictures from there on Djúpavík ...
/ added 11 May 2013 - view the pictures
© Claus Sterneck (Claus in Island / Claus in Iceland), 2013. Contact:

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