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Island: Zuhause am Polarkreis (Pascal Frai)
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One picture per day

18 Jan. 2012 - Reykjavík
Upd.: 14 Jan '17   |   Claus   Djúpavík   Links   |    Imprint   |   Follow Claus in Iceland on Facebook  Follow Claus in Iceland on twitter   |    ENG only!
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Pictures 2010:    January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December
February 2010
10 Februay 2010 – Reykjavík. "Meine Banken".
10 Februay 2010 – Reykjavík. "Meine Banken", 25 Februay 2010. (1 picture)
"Meine Banken". It looked like this today!
/ added 8 June 2010 - view the picture
16 til 26 Februay 2010 – Reykjavík. Miscellaneous XXI.
16 til 26 Februay 2010 – Reykjavík. Miscellaneous XXI. (12 pictures)
Some things in the snow, and so on... Miscellaneous from Reykjavík, part 21!
/ added 8 June 2010 - view the pictures
20 Februay 2010 – Skálafell. One mountain per week - part 7.
20 Februay 2010 – Skálafell. One mountain per week - part 7. (16 pictures)
Number 7 in the sequence "One mountain per week" - a mountain called "Skálafell".
/ added 7 June 2010 - view the pictures
14 Februay 2010 – Húsfell. Snow on " One mountain per week - part 6".
14 Februay 2010 – Húsfell. Snow on " One mountain per week - part 6". (6 pictures)
Well ... several times snow. Snow in the mountain.
/ added 6 June 2010 - view the pictures
14 Februay 2010 – Húsfell. One mountain per week - part 6. 14 Februay 2010.
14 Februay 2010 – Húsfell. One mountain per week - part 6. (12 pictures)
Our sixth hike for "one mointain per week". This time we went on Húsfell mountain near Hafnarfjörður.
/ added 6 June 2010 - view the pictures
10 Februay 2010 – Reykjavík. "Meine Banken".
10 Februay 2010 – Reykjavík. "Meine Banken", 10 Februay 2010. (1 picture)
"Meine Banken". It looked like this today!
/ added 2 May 2010 - view the picture
2 til 10 February 2010 – Reykjavík. Miscellaneous XX.
2 til 10 February 2010 – Reykjavík. Miscellaneous XX. (4 pictures)
Four times "Miscellaneous": Sky, sun, spring and swans.
/ added 2 May 2010 - view the pictures
7 February 2010 – Móskarðshnúka. One mountain per week - part 5.
7 February 2010 – Móskarðshnúka. One mountain per week - part 5. (21 pictures)
Our fifth mountain - again in the beautifull Mosellsdalur. Today we went in the mountain Móskarðshnúka - 804 meter above sea level.
/ added 22 April 2010 - view the pictures
4 February 2010 – Grímannsfell. Ice, so different.
4 February 2010 – Grímannsfell. Ice, so different. (12 pictures)
Ice, but this time different...
/ added 18 April 2010 - view the pictures
4 February 2010 – Grímannsfell. One mountain per week - part 4.
4 February 2010 – Grímannsfell. One mountain per week - part 4. (12 pictures)
Last sunday we - Kaja and I - were in Djúpavík - so we could not join the weekly event "One mountain per week". Thats why we decided to hike today on "Grímannsfell" at Mosfellsdalur. And, we met someone at the end of our tour... and this a strange for both of us...
/ added 18 April 2010 - view the pictures
© Claus Sterneck (Claus in Island / Claus in Iceland), 2010. Contact:
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